Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Narnians and Me

I woke up late, at 9:45 this morning thinking today, like every other day I wasted my chance to go to the gym. Cant really walk to the gym in this blazing heat that would only benefit an unevitable tan and gallons to sweat while working out. So I woke up, carelessly glossing through BT came across the Entertainment page with movie releases which reminded me of a date that I'd promised Prince Caspian two weeks ago. The timing was 10am Cinemax, or 10:40 PVR.

Since morning shows are 75 bucks, I attended to my morning cleanliness routine faster than I should(A thorough bath incl.), got dressed, buttered my bread, and ran out with that in my hand.
I WAS LATE. By complete 3 minutes! In the window(PVR), my mind constantly lured me towards "Indiana Jones". Even the kids were going for him!!!
Anyway, remaining faithful to the Prince I ran upstairs with the ticket in hand to show it to the person generally standing with a torch inside, but found no one. The whole screen was empty!
The movie had begun, the lights had gone, the beautiful Prince was riding away to save his life from his uncle and I was there, standing all alone inside that dark scary room.

I took my seat fearing Manjeet ki atma from RGV's Bhoot might just say 'Hi'.
Decided to call Bubu, ofcourse he's my 4 am buddy. Could someone come from behind and choke me to death for the Rs. 400 in my wallet and my cell phone? And that's when the Prince hit his head at the bark of a tree. Caught my interest, and he blew the magic horn to call the Kings and Queens of Narnia.
The glimpse of Lucy(the youngest of all) in London made me forget everything. Thats when I started my journey to Narnia along with them from the Subway. And so came a few more people who like me decided they wanted to watch this movie, waking up this fine morning.

Leaving a few dialogues like "You have got to be 'kidding' me" which didnt seem quite 100 centuries' old words used by a dwarf, most parts of the movie was believable, except the odd Israeli/spanish accent of the Telmarines, the ones fighting Narnians. Many a times it came to me it might not be for grown-ups, but then again, the action packed middle of the movie (and Anna Popplewell a.k.a Susan) really caught my attention.

But it was only when a soldier from Telmarine, confused with the mice fighting better than him was told "Have some imagination..", it came to me the whole movie was about your imagination only!

However, with Aslan, the lion back in the second half, the war became more interesting and imaginative. That odd israeli looking General was finally swept away by the Water God and the victory was in favour of Narnia. Yet the much hyped kissing scene between Prince Caspian and Susan had not arrived.

At the end, the Prince looking handsome than ever and Susan ravishingly beautiful as ever finally kissed(blink and you miss) and the Kings and the Queens returned to the same subway where we all began our journey from after handing over the throne to the Prince.

Surprisingly, I felt quite disappointed with the movie coming to an end. They got inside the train and left and left me behind. But I reconciled humming to the beautiful song at the end of the movie, "You'll come back when its over, No need to say Goodbye" and came out, gearing up for the next date with Indiana Jones tomorrow. Probably.

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